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changing the face of aging
Susan Brooks
Call it an adventure!

Call it an adventure!
July 2021

Though summer technically just started we have been in the dead heat of summer here in Arizona for awhile now. And with the challenging-near-death heat I have entered an adventurous phase of my life! Whether having steak tartare for the first time, whether embracing spontaneity instead of my well-planned schedule, or taking a fist-full of pellets to feed the slippery tongue of a giraffe, I'm in the present adventurous moment like never before!

As we emerge from our pandemic cocoon, why not embrace the new adventure ahead? I went to a movie theater for the first time in two years! I went to a mall and felt like I was in my own kind of Disneyland: the sparkle, the glitter, the colors and textures...and all the people!

This past weekend I found my husband and I, in 118 degrees, working on our new venture - Movement as Medicine - filming videos at our local Wildlife World Zoo. As the temperatures climbed, the animals were just as hot and lethargic as we were. But then, Barry put on his music and started to dance, and even the camels perked up their ears while they munched away eating all at once, the biggest carrot I've ever seen! But that's what's great about adventure - you never know what you are going to get. Being in the present moment keeps you awake!

I realized I needed to do a reset in my mind. I needed an adventurous mindset, more curious, more child-like. My shoulders relaxed, my eyes opened wider, and the sounds around me were deafening: so many birds! You simply must join me on this path, especially if you are still recovering from covid brain fog!

Come play with me! Here are three elements to enhance your adventurous experience:
  1. Remember your WHY. As I work behind the scenes building up Movement as Medicine, I constantly remind myself of WHY. Why am I working so hard, even in this heat, learning new ways of marketing and serving?? Seniors. Seniors deserve to feel good, especially after COVID kept them isolated for so long. Seniors need us, movement IS medicine, and there's no one better to get the body moving than Barry!
  2. Have a beginner's mind. Yes, we created a great business before, ever-so-grateful that the marketplace applauded our efforts. But, the world has changed since then. This is a very different adventure, every little and big decision is all so new! Cultivate this wide-eyed wonder! Watch the kids as they too came face to face with a giraffe for the first time. No fear, only giggles. This beginner's mind of wonder removes frustration that blocks the creativity just waiting to flood your way. Try'll see.
  3. Think on your feet. Don't let perfection get in your way. In life and especially in business, perfectionism can ruin the magic of the moment. There were many moments at Wildlife World Zoo that we had to improvise to stay efficient and keep moving forward. We got the job done, we had such fun, AND it was a major success - that's all that matters. Perfect never is.

Let's get on with the adventure of living life! Whatever your next step forward, how can you explore, be curious, and be brave in the adventure ahead? Tell me, please! Consider me your very own personal cheerleader!

For inspiration and motivation, here are some fun pictures of our day of adventure at the Wildlife World Zoo!

Wildlife World Zoo

Wildlife World Zoo   Wildlife World Zoo
Ultimate Customer Experience Idea of the Month!

The Ultimate Customer Experience Serves You Right!™

Jack Ewert, Curator of Wildlife World Zoo and Aquarium

As an official Service Enthusiast, I have written three books and a dozen years of columns in the Phoenix Business Journal focusing on marketplace service experiences. Rarely do I rave.

But today, I must shout to the rooftops to sing praises for Jack Ewert:

Congratulations, Jack! Yours is the ultimate leadership success of every company! With more than 60 employees, you obviously communicated your vision to every person on your team, BRAVO! Companies hire me to create this major feat, and you, Jack, have achieved a win/win with staff, animal diversity, and ultimately immersed your customers of all ages into the Wildlife World Zoo adventurous experience!! Thank you!!!!

Please, if and when you have a customer service experience worthy of note, share it with me! You will be sending this business new customers...and I'll treat you to a consistently fabulous customer experience at Dutch pleasure! Email us HERE.

SHE RISES! What would you do today if you were brave?

As a business growth specialist for both business owners and corporate leaders eager to increase profitable revenue with controlled and strategic growth, Susan is the real deal.

She has run the entrepreneurial gamut of starting, growing and selling an iconic, multi-million dollar, award-winning company…a company that sold cookies, yes, lots and lots of cookies! She’s been ‘in the trenches with her red boots on the ground’ for more than 30 years. Susan’s proven strategies deliver results: a financial sustainable business that remains competitive in today’s changing market.

Susan brings her first-hand knowledge and expertise to her every client. You will experience Susan’s passion and enthusiasm as she helps you create a service-driven culture, coaching existing and potential leaders, strategic and innovative marketing that demonstrates your company’s brand and messaging. Entrepreneurs and professionals hire Susan to get their business on the fast track, off stuck, and onward to a profitable and sustainable company.

Susan celebrates five decades of marriage, two flourishing adult children and five genius grandchildren.

Juicy ways and energizing action steps: how to soak in the wisdom and energy of becoming your own Modern Elder*
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Susan Brooks

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